
decoding the system

Sister Golden Hair

Sharon Tate in crucification pose for her movie “Eye of the Devil”

Sharon Tate’s death haunts my mind every now and then. That’s when i start reading about her. Some sources said that she was hung upside down by one foot… (the hanged man tarot card), i’ve never heard of this before and doubted it, so i was looking for pictures from the Tate/Labianca crime scene, since -if true- this would have left massive bruises on her ankle, and it would have surprised me to see these bruises in the pictures… but strange enough, i’ve only found one picture showing her full body, and you can see the rope around her neck, but someone has covered her feet with a blanket, for whatever reason. So i looked up the autopsy sheet, and it shows some kind of wound on one foot. I would really like to know if it’s true, not just because of Sharon Tate, but because it would tell me lot about the source who brought this up and his story about the real reasons why she has been killed.

Poor girl, such a beautiful, sensual kid and so much evil in her life.

Sharon Tate Crime Scene, with the rope around her neck

Sharon Tate – Sketch Autopsy

Sharon Tate – Sketch Autopsy

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This entry was posted on 21 March 2012 by in what lies beneath and tagged , , .
